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通过int pthread_mutexattr_settype(pthread_mutexattr_t *attr, int type)接口设置
PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMALThis type of mutex does not detect deadlock. A thread attempting to relock this mutex without first unlocking it will deadlock. Attempting to unlock a mutex locked by a different thread results in undefined behaviour. Attempting to unlock an unlocked mutex results in undefined behaviour.PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECKThis type of mutex provides error checking. A thread attempting to relock this mutex without first unlocking it will return with an error. A thread attempting to unlock a mutex which another thread has locked will return with an error. A thread attempting to unlock an unlocked mutex will return with an error.PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVEA thread attempting to relock this mutex without first unlocking it will succeed in locking the mutex. The relocking deadlock which can occur with mutexes of type PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL cannot occur with this type of mutex. Multiple locks of this mutex require the same number of unlocks to release the mutex before another thread can acquire the mutex. A thread attempting to unlock a mutex which another thread has locked will return with an error. A thread attempting to unlock an unlocked mutex will return with an error.PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULTAttempting to recursively lock a mutex of this type results in undefined behaviour. Attempting to unlock a mutex of this type which was not locked by the calling thread results in undefined behaviour. Attempting to unlock a mutex of this type which is not locked results in undefined behaviour. An implementation is allowed to map this mutex to one of the other mutex types.
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