前端  /  管理员 发布于 4年前   624
事先准备工作 1.申请一个小程序,申请地址:传送门 5.小程序如果需要做多个小程序的打通,还需要在微信开放平台绑定到开发者账号下面, 如果不需要union_id请忽略 6.服务端准备一个用户授权的接口,假设接口链接为,此接口接受如下参数 接口返回的数据如下 6.建表 1)用户表,其中比较重要的字段是union_id,因为我们是有多个小程序和公众号,因此使用这个来区分唯一的用户编号 实现步骤 用户授权时序图 关键代码 小程序端 小程序端的获取用户信息流程 1)调用login方法获取code 获取用户的授权信息 服务端 入口方法 保存用户信息的方法 根据unionid获取用户信息 WxBizDataHelper工具类 WXBizDataCrypt工具类 Prpcrypt工具类 ErrorCode状态代码类 以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持。
2.仔细阅读小程序的用户授权登陆官方文档: 《用户授权登陆的流程》
3.仔细阅读微信用户数据解密的相关文档: 《用户数据解密说明文档》
4.在小程序后台配置好相应的后端请求地址,路径是:开发---->开发设置,如图{ "errcode": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "data": { "uid": 34098, "unionid": "xxx", }}
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `jz_wxa_user`;CREATE TABLE `jz_wxa_user` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `uid` bigint(18) DEFAULT NULL, `openid` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'openid', `user_name` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '', `nick_name` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT '' COMMENT '用户昵称', `sex` enum('0','1') CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '性别', `avatar` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户头像', `province` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '省份', `city` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '城市', `country` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '国家', `wx_union_id` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '公众平台的唯一id', `from_url` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '来源url', `created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `from_appid` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT 'wx95fc895bebd3743b' COMMENT '来源appid', `wx_header` varchar(150) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT '' COMMENT '微信头像', `gh_openid` varchar(60) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT '' COMMENT '微信公众号openid', `phone` varchar(30) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT '' COMMENT '手机号码', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `idx_uid_union_id` (`uid`,`wx_union_id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
4)保存后端接口返回的uid和unionid到localstorage中,作为全局参数getUid:function(cf){ var that = this wx.login({ success: function (ress) { var code = ress.code wx.getUserInfo({ withCredentials: true, success: function (res) { that.globalData.userInfo = res.userInfo; that.authorize(code, res.signature, res.iv, res.rawData, res.encryptedData, cf) } }) } }) }, authorize: function (code, signature, iv, rawData, encryptedData, cf) { var that =this var dataobj = { code: code, signature: signature, iv: iv, raw_data: rawData, encrypted_data: encryptedData } console.log("code:",code) var param = JSON.stringify(dataobj) param = that.Encrypt(param) var url = + "/user/authorization?param=" + param wx.request({ url: url, method: "GET", header: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if ( == 200) { wx.hideToast() wx.setStorage({ key: "uid", data:, success: function () { if (cf) { typeof cf == "function" && cf( } } }) } else { that.exceptionHandle('uid', url,, } } }) },
/** * api接口开发 * 获取详情的接口 * @param $uid 用户编号 * @param $iv 向量 * @param $encryptedData 微信加密的数据 * @param $rawData 判断是否为今天 * @param $signature 签名 * @return array */ public static function authorization($appid,$appsecret,$code,$iv,$encryptedData,$rawData,$signature){ $result = self::decodeWxData($appid,$appsecret,$code,$iv,$encryptedData); if($result['errcode'] != 200){ return $result; } //处理微信授权的逻辑 $wxUserData = $result['data']; error_log("authorization data=============>"); error_log(json_encode($wxUserData)); $uid = WxaUserService::regWxaUser($wxUserData); $data['uid'] = $uid['uid']; $data['unionid'] = $uid['unionid']; $result['data'] = $data; return $result; } /** * 解密微信的数据 * @param $code wx.login接口返回的code * @param $iv wx.getUserInfo接口或者wx.getWeRunData返回的iv * @param $encryptedData wx.getUserInfo接口或者wx.getWeRunData返回的加密数据 * @return array */ public static function decodeWxData($appid,$appsecret,$code,$iv,$encryptedData){ $sessionKeyUrl = sprintf('%s?appid=%s&secret=%s&js_code=%s&grant_type=authorization_code',config('param.wxa_user_info_session_key_url'),$appid,$appsecret,$code); $rtnJson = curlRequest($sessionKeyUrl); $data = json_decode($rtnJson,true); error_log('authorization wx return data========>'); error_log($rtnJson); if(isset($data['errcode'])){ return $data; } $sessionKey = $data['session_key']; $wxHelper = new WxBizDataHelper($appid,$sessionKey,$encryptedData,$iv); $data['errcode'] = 200; $data['data'] = []; if(!$wxData = $wxHelper->getData()){ $data['errcode'] = -1; }else{ error_log('current wx return data is =========>'.json_encode($wxData)); $data['data'] = $wxData; } return $data; }
/** * 保存用户信息的方法 * @param $wxaUserData * @param $regFromGh 表示是否从公众号进行注册 */ public function regWxaUser($wxaUserData,$regFromGh = false) { $value = $wxaUserData['unionId']; $key = getCacheKey('redis_key.cache_key.zset_list.lock') . $value; $newExpire = RedisHelper::getLock($key); $data = $this->storeWxaUser($wxaUserData,$regFromGh); RedisHelper::releaseLock($key, $newExpire); return $data; } /** * 保存信息 * @param $wxaUserData * @return mixed */ public function storeWxaUser($wxaUserData,$regFromGh = false) { $wxUnionId = $wxaUserData['unionId']; if (!$user = $this->getByWxUnionId($wxUnionId)) { $getAccountDataStartTime = time(); //这里是因为需要统一账户获取uid,所以这个是用户中心的接口,如果没有这个流程,则直接使用数据 if($accountData = AccountCenterHelper::regWxaUser($wxaUserData)){ $getAccountDataEndTime = time(); $accountRegTime = $getAccountDataEndTime - $getAccountDataStartTime; error_log("reg user spend time is ===================>" . $accountRegTime); $user = [ 'uid' => $accountData['uid'], 'user_name' => $accountData['user_name'], 'nick_name' => $wxaUserData['nickName'], 'sex' => $accountData['sex'], 'wx_union_id' => $accountData['wx_union_id'], 'avatar' => isset($accountData['avatar'])?$accountData['avatar']:"", 'from_appid' => $accountData['from_appid'], 'province' => $wxaUserData['province'], 'city' => $wxaUserData['city'], 'country' => $wxaUserData['country'], 'openid' => $wxaUserData['openId'], 'wx_header' => isset($wxaUserData['avatarUrl'])?$wxaUserData['avatarUrl']:"", 'gh_openid' => $regFromGh?$wxaUserData['openId']:"", ]; error_log("insert data=============>" . json_encode($user)); $user = $this->store($user); $regApiUserEndTime = time(); error_log(" reg api user spend time================>" . ($regApiUserEndTime - $getAccountDataEndTime)); error_log(" after insert data=============>" . json_encode($user)); } }else{ if(!$user['wx_header']){ $updateData = [ 'id' => $user['id'], 'uid' => $user['uid'], 'wx_header' => $wxaUserData['avatarUrl'], ]; $this->update($updateData); } //同步用户的openid if($wxaUserData['openId'] != $user['openid']){ $updateData = [ 'id' => $user['id'], 'uid' => $user['uid'], 'openid' => $wxaUserData['openId'], ]; $this->update($updateData); } } $data['uid'] = $user['uid']; $data['unionid'] = $wxUnionId; return $data; }
/** * 根据unionid获取用户信息 */ public function getByWxUnionId($unionId) { $cacheKey = getCacheKey('') . $unionId; $value = $this->remember($cacheKey, function () use ($unionId) { $userInfo = WxaUser::where('wx_union_id', $unionId)->first(); $userInfo = $this->compactUserInfo($userInfo); return $userInfo; }); return $value; }
appid = $appid; $this->seesionKey = $sessionKey; $this->encryptedData = $encryptedData; $this->iv = $iv; } public function getData(){ $pc = new WXBizDataCrypt($this->appid, $this->seesionKey); $json = ''; $errCode = $pc->decryptData($this->encryptedData, $this->iv, $json); $data = []; if ($errCode == 0) { $data = json_decode($json,true); } return $data; }}
sessionKey = $sessionKey; $this->appid = $appid; } /** * 检验数据的真实性,并且获取解密后的明文. * @param $encryptedData string 加密的用户数据 * @param $iv string 与用户数据一同返回的初始向量 * @param $data string 解密后的原文 * * @return int 成功0,失败返回对应的错误码 */ public function decryptData( $encryptedData, $iv, &$data ) { if (strlen($this->sessionKey) != 24) { return ErrorCode::$IllegalAesKey; } $aesKey=base64_decode($this->sessionKey); if (strlen($iv) != 24) { return ErrorCode::$IllegalIv; } $aesIV=base64_decode($iv); $aesCipher=base64_decode($encryptedData); $pc = new Prpcrypt($aesKey); $result = $pc->decrypt($aesCipher,$aesIV); if ($result[0] != 0) { return $result[0]; } $dataObj=json_decode( $result[1] ); if( $dataObj == NULL ) { return ErrorCode::$IllegalBuffer; } if( $dataObj->watermark->appid != $this->appid ) { return ErrorCode::$IllegalBuffer; } $data = $result[1]; return ErrorCode::$OK; }}
key = $key; } /** * 对密文进行解密 * @param string $aesCipher 需要解密的密文 * @param string $aesIV 解密的初始向量 * @return string 解密得到的明文 */ public function decrypt($aesCipher, $aesIV) { try { $module = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, '', MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, ''); mcrypt_generic_init($module, $this->key, $aesIV); //解密 $decrypted = mdecrypt_generic($module, $aesCipher); mcrypt_generic_deinit($module); mcrypt_module_close($module); } catch (Exception $e) { return array(ErrorCode::$IllegalBuffer, null); } try { $result = PKCS7Encoder2::decode($decrypted); } catch (Exception $e) { //print $e; return array(ErrorCode::$IllegalBuffer, null); } return array(0, $result); }}
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